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Spotlight on the ‘Beecroft’s’

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What made you decide to try CrossFit?


Chris wanted to try it out because a friend of his at work was coming and was feeling great. I joined mostly because Chris was, and I thought it would be fun to come together.


Miko a colleague was going. I wanted in on the happiness that he seemed to gain from BVC. 

If you could give yourself one piece of advice when you started CrossFit, what would it be?


Go at your own pace. It’s really just about getting and staying stronger – whatever that means for you.


Choose to workout for yourself and not worry about anyone else other than to garner motivation.

What motivates you to workout?


I know when I come first thing in the morning that it sets me up for a better day.  I’m happier and have more energy.  It also helps me make better food choices throughout the day because I don’t want to undo all the hard work I put in that morning.


It makes me a better Dad and Husband and also better at my job. 

What is your favorite movement and least favorite movement?


My favorite movement is probably box jumps. Only because I had a bit of a mind block about them and I’ve really surprised myself that I can jump a lot higher than I thought I could.  My least favorite movement is the assault bike.  That thing kicks my butt.


I like standing up on the assault bike. Wall balls are hard but they build muscles!!

Has CrossFit changed your lifestyle and, if so, in what way?


It’s made me stronger in the other things I like to do such as hiking and biking.  I’m getting out more and doing more.


I can bike with friends who I couldn’t keep up to before. It helps to lessen frustrations in my life.

Who out of the two of you is most likely to win the WOD?


That’s easy.  Me.


Jen always wins at the gym! Luckily I can get back some wins in the field as I am tall.

Are you competitive with each other in class?


Not really.  We are more supportive of each other than competitive.  It’s been fun to come together.


I will win a WOD or two for sure this year .

Anything else you would like to add?


The vibe at the gym is 100% supportive and inclusive.  I’ve never felt anything but welcomed and encouraged by Liz and the other members.  Liz and the other coaches are right there to make sure we are doing the movements correctly.  Since I had never lifted weights before, this was really important to me.


Coach Liz’s gym is wondrous, as is she . She’s building a great team of coaches. Try it for yourself or recommend a friend; I can guarantee that it will be life changing. 



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